Fast 800

Fast 800 Diary – Missing Carbs

Although technically this is day two of my Fast 800 diary, in reality it has been the first full day of following the diet. When I woke in the morning, I confirmed my weight, still stubbornly stuck at 79.8kg despite my having spent the month of January cutting back and trying to cut out snacking.
To be fair, 79.8kg or 176lbs (12st 8lbs if you’re British) is a couple of pounds lighter than I started January- and that in itself is an achievement, because if I’m not careful I steadily gain weight, week on week. However, it’s also testament to the fact that cutting back on snacks and alcohol isn’t going to cut it when I have 20kg or over three stone to lose.
So, the Fast 800 Diet* it is.
Two things to note on the first day- things that I hope and think will pass. I was hungry- not madly so, but there was a definite gnawing in my stomach and several times I absentmindedly got up to make one of my regular jaunts to the kitchen to raid the fridge and just, just, just stopped myself in time. Also, I’m really, really missing carbs. I’m the kind of person that likes to start the day with a slice of hot, marmitey toast dripping with butter and end it with a large, comforting glass of red. Not to have those things has been, even for a single day – well, trying.
But, onwards and downwards- on the scales at least!

My Food Diary- Day Two

(calories taken from packaging and MyFitnessPal) – hence on some of the items I’m less than certain of accuracy.

Breakfast – Fast 800 Style:

Fast 800 breakfast of smoked salmon and olives

40g of smoked salmon 97kcal

Spanish Olives (I ate more than shown!) 56 kcal

Total 153 kcal

Fast 800 Lunch – Day Two

Fast 800 diet- missing carbs. A plate of scrambled egg, rocket and grated cheese. I'm most definitely missing carbs though.

Two eggs, scrambled 140 kcal

Grated cheddar cheese (10g) 42 kcal

Rocket (estimated cals) 25kcal

Total Kcal 207

Fast 800 Dinner – Day Two

Mozarella (30g) 110 kcal

Cucumber 10 kcal

Rocket 6 kcal

Roast chicken (50g) 98 kcal

Olives 25 kcal

Cherry tomatoes 18 kcal

Cottage cheese(75g) 84 kcal

Total kcal 351

Snacks :

Mini babybel light – 42 kcal

Piece of dark chocolate – 48 kcal

Total Daily Calories 801 (pretty perfect! Still missing carbs though…)

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