Fast 800

Fast 800 Diet Diary- Day Four- More Weight Loss

Starting weight: 79.8kg Today’s weight: 79kg

Progress at last- I woke up this morning and the scales showed more weight loss! I’d dropped another .4kg (or pound) which means two pounds or almost a kg in two days. I’m pretty happy with that. That puts today’s weight at 79kg on the nose. (or 12 st 6lbs, or 174lbs in old money)
Other than the weight loss, there’s not a huge amount to report. One of the key tenets of the diet is that you should also exercise. The book recommends a mix of HIIT and walking 10,000 steps a day- and it’s the latter I struggle with on working days. I sit down at my desk (working from home- because we have been locked down for the better part of a year now) at 8.30am and rarely leave it before 6.30-7pm. With a family to feed and fairly large house to run, as well as 6 animals to look after too, time is tight. My routine is to walk the dogs for 15 minutes before work, 20-30 after (they have a dog walker in the day who takes them on a much longer run) but this gets me nowhere near the required steps. So, as well as that I’ve been doing a 20 minute treadmill class. Nothing too energetic, I’m nowhere near able to run, but I do a 20 minute walking class either with Apple Fitness+ or the Peleton app (I don’t have a Peleton, just the app, the bike/treadmill of theirs is way too pricey sadly) and that at least gets my heart rate up. (To 170 bpm most classes- so must be making my heart work if nothing else!).

Meanwhile, here are my meals for the day. More of the same I’m afraid- the pandemic has put paid to running to the shops for fresh supplies every couple of days so I make do with an enormous shop every 7-10 days. I’m getting short of salad items and can’t shop again for at least another 3-4 days, so it’s a case of make do and mend the next few days. It might get interesting! (but almost certainly won’t…)

Fast 800 Breakfast- day four (yup, it really was that dull!)


Smoked salmon-plain 97kcal

Total Breakfast: 97kcal

Fast 800 Lunch – Day Four

Fast 800 Diary- lunch of eggs and salmon and lettuce - on a day when I had some weight loss

Honey Roast Salmon 110kcal

Scrambled eggs (plain no butter) 140kcal

Iceberg lettuce 10kcal

Total Calories: 260kcal

Fast 800 Dinner- Day Four:

Fast 800 Dinner of salmon, courgette, lettuce and cottage cheese

Lettuce 10kcal

Honey Roast Salmon 110kcal

Cottage cheese 84kcal

Courgettes 21kcal

Sun Dried Tomatoes 60kcal

Total: 285kcal


Dizzy Praline Hotel Chocolate dark chocolate 74kcal (I know, I know, I got a box for my birthday and I’ve been eeking them out for weeks…

Total Calories For The Day: 716

A quick note- I notice that I seem to be under for the day. Michael Moseley says it’s an average, so I feel ok about this. Also, I can honestly say I probably forget to record the odd piece of cheese or miscalculated the calories on something, so being slightly under compensates for this.

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