Starting weight: 79.8kg Today’s Weight: 77.8kg
Right, that’s it then. First week done. I hopped on the scales this morning feeling pretty bright eyed and bushy tailed despite last night’s indulgence in a large glass of wine. Happily, despite that little planned slip up, I’d still lost weight. Ok, not much weight. In fact, I’d lost 0.2kg which at least had the effect of making my Fast 800 week one weight loss a nice round 2kg. For those of you who use non metric measurements that’s just over 4.5lbs, so not bad going.
I have to admit, I’m a little tiny bit disappointed that I’m not one of those people that lose 7+lb the first week, but in reality I lost almost five and that’s a pretty damn good start. Given that I regularly diet (with little success) I’m not enormously surprised that my body doesn’t respond as fast as some others to a diet. One important point to remember – I’ve lost 2kg many times, I’ve never lost it without being hungry before.
Here’s what I ate today- apologies for the lack of pictures, I keep forgetting to take them but will get right back on track!
Fast 800 breakfast:
Epic mature cheddar cheese 46kcal
Half avocado 125kcal
Total Breakfast calories: 170kcal
Fast 800 Lunch – Day 8:
Smoked salmon 109kcal
Violife cheese 114kcal
Total Lunch Calories: 223kcal
Fast 800 Dinner – Day 8
(I made a homemade vegetable & cheese curry recipe- this is a breakdown of the ingredients) The kids had it with rice and peshwari naan, I just stuck to the plain curry with two poppadoms. Possibly not ideal, but was worth the extra carbs!
Tinned tomatoes: 12kcal
Peas: 50kcal
Onion: 30kcal
Cheese: 114kcal
Poppadoms (2): 74kcal
Various spices (0 kcal)
Total Dinner Calories: 280kcal
Snacks -Fast 800 Diet Day 8
100% Dairy Free Mango & Passionfruit 56kcal
Total snack calories: 56kcal
Total calories for the day: 729kcal